Valeria Lukyanova, also known as the 'Human Barbie' has revealed her natural look with little or no make-up in a series of selfies that she has put up on a popular social networking site.
Lukyanova's resemblance to the plastic doll catapulted her to worldwide fame, however, here we see her sans her signature makeup and contact lenses.
In this pic she posted on Facebook, we get to see Valeria's 50cm waist and protruding ribs, which in fact, has raised some concerns from various quarters.
Valeria looks lost in thoughts as she clicks a selfie of herself weraing a black sports bra and earphones.
Here's another pic of Valeria with minimal make-up, a rarity indeed!
In previous interviews, Valeria has stated that she has had breast implants, but that the rest of her body is completely natural and slender due to daily gym workouts and a special diet.
Valeria's gruelling efforts to maintain a slim figure have led the 28-year-old to practise Breatharianism, a little-known doctrine whose followers say they live on air and sunlight only.
Valeria recently garnered immense criticism after making claims that interracial couples are 'making the human race uglier'.
Valeria looks completely natural in this pic that she posted online. However, it's hard to tell with her downcast eyes if she's wearing lenses or not.
As of March 2014, Lukyanova had 997,812 Facebook fans, 10,030 Twitter followers, over 30 millions views on YouTube.
Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova recently announced her initiative to live only on air and sunlight.
Valeria Lukyanova cuddles a snake as she poses all dressed up.
Valeria Lukyanova aka Human Barbie To enhance the effect Lukyanova uses makeup and contact lenses over her naturally green eyes.